Remainders: N.J. newspaper goes to bat for the Common Core

  • The Star-Ledger Editorial Board: Common Core standards aren’t brainwashing or a federal plot.
  • How many of these UFT chapter leaders say they’re still without curriculum materials? A lot. (GS in Brief)
  • A critic of UFT President Michael Mulgrew recaps yesterday’s chapter leader meeting. (ICEUFT Blog)
  • The city is still releasing plans for co-locations that would take effect post-Bloomberg. (GS in Brief)
  • Texas is about to hold hearings about adding creationism to biology textbooks (again). (Slate)
  • A top Los Angeles official quit, blaming opposition that has blocked his reform plans. (L.A. Daily News)
  • Jose Vilson explains why he doesn’t define himself as “anti-testing”—he just wants better tests.
  • A state School Boards Association study shows merging districts lowers costs. (Democrat and Chronicle)
  • At the end of the first week of school, here’s a round-up with a few priceless pictures. (Schoolbook)