The left-of-Obama education issue, with New York cameos

This week’s issue of The Nation magazine is devoted to education, offering a unique opportunity to peer into the school views of left-of-Obama liberals. (Pedro Noguera, NYU professor and Joel Klein critic, guest-edited the issue.)

Among thought pieces by Diane Ravitch, Linda Darling-Hammond, Noguera, and Susan Eaton are three reported dispatches from our own Philissa Cramer.

Her story is under the headline “Bright Ideas.” One idea is the city’s new iZone, where one innovator says of his efforts:

“We’re not trying to replace the teacher,” Ben-Dov says. “We’re trying to empower her…. Our belief is that computers can help the teacher do her job better.”

The magazine also includes a piece by David L. Kirp profiling community schools run by Children’s Aid — right here in New York.