Remainders: A Texas student tells off a teacher for not teaching

  • A Texas student was filmed lecturing his teacher about her lazy instructional approach. (Gawker)
  • A teacher says she wishes more students would stand up and demand good educations. (Pernille Ripp)
  • In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, here’s a compilation of stories about teachers gone bad. (Slate)
  • Jose Vilson: Teachers need voice, fair pay, and good working conditions to feel appreciated. (GOOD)
  • KIPP’s annual report card on the status of the charter school networks’ 125 schools is out now. (KIPP)
  • Here’s a handy summary of what mayoral candidates said at Tuesday’s education forum. (Insideschools)
  • An upstate eighth-grader offers details to support his critique of the state’s reading test. (Answer Sheet)
  • A judge said the city’s parent council elections should go on during a lawsuit about them. (SchoolBook)
  • A minority caucus member offers his take on the UFT’s executive board meeting this week. (ICE UFT)
  • In poor countries, private school is the only way for students to be educated, not a privilege. (Fixes)
  • David Kirp draws a line between school districts’ cheating scandals and parent rebellions. (Slate)
  • Mike Petrilli says the parent trigger is a nice idea that won’t have a lasting effect on schools. (Flypaper)
  • Rick Hess rejects the possibility of an “insincere reformer” in a mock interview with one. (Straight Up)