Remainders: No snow day for city schools but that could change

  • A PSA: City schools are open tomorrow, but that could change between 4 and 6 a.m. (GS Twitter)
  • A teacher says grading class participation is important, especially for the shiest students. (Atlantic)
  • The city’s bid to get a higher court to hear its case for not releasing Cathie Black emails fell short. (Scribd)
  • For New Yorkers for Great Public Schools, a former teacher criticizes Michelle Rhee’s policies. (NYGPS)
  • Charter advocate James Merriman criticizes UFT chief Michael Mulgrew’s pre-K comments. (NYCCSC)
  • Park Slope’s new school will be named for the late, great children’s author Maurice Sendak. (DNAInfo)
  • At an upstate residential school, just one city student has gotten there during the bus strike. (Motherlode)
  • A deep dive at a Los Angeles “blended learning” school highlights the strengths of the model. (Ed Sector)
  • At the Brooklyn New School, students stay engaged by picking what to study. (Investigating Choice Time)
  • Achievement First charter schools have broken teacher evaluations into 10 criteria. (PBS 1, 2)
  • A Chicago program to get more poor students into elite high schools seems to be working. (Catalyst)
  • The N.Y. Fed found that New Jersey’s poorest districts had their funds cut most. (Liberty St. Economics)