Remainders: A guide for new teachers who brim with idealism

  • Instructions to help new teachers balance idealism with realism. (Coach G’s Teaching Tips)
  • Nearly 600 districts and nonprofits applied for $150 million in federal innovation funds. (Politics K-12)
  • Diane Ravitch and a city schoolteacher, GEM’s Brian Jones, on trends in ed policy. (Democracy Now)
  • Steven Brill and Michael Winerip parry over Winerip’s critique of Brill’s book. (NYTimes Comments)
  • A teacher concludes his “Class Warfare” commentary: Brill wrote the story too soon. (Gary Rubinstein)
  • A California teacher writes an open letter to her new principal, the sixth in nine years. (Edutopia)
  • A critic of Teach for America sounds the alarm about TFA’s efforts at union friendliness. (Daily Kos)
  • Jay Mathews is soliciting readers’ formulas for “a good school.” (Class Struggle)
  • Now at Harvard’s ed school, Ruben Brosbe says he is setting aside his preconceptions. (GS Community)
  • Mike Petrilli: New York shouldn’t sue over teacher evals, because anything is an improvement. (Flypaper)
  • A chair of the Digital Learning Council describes the classrooms of the future — of 2016. (Hechinger)
  • An evangelist of high-tech school reforms lists 18 low-tech innovations and best practices. (HuffPo)