Remainders: Where does John Boehner stand on education?

  • A dispute between the city’s comptroller and the DOE could leave school buses uninsured. (City Hall)
  • State Senate Education Committee Chair Suzi Oppenheimer is likely to keep her seat. (Times Union)
  • Cuomo will probably have to cut education spending, but NY still has a lot in its favor. (Flypaper)
  • M.S. 223’s Ramon Gonzalez tries to combat the middle school score drop. (The Examiner)
  • Teachers aren’t resistant to change, but they are tired of non-stop change. (Flowers and Sausage)
  • Josh Dunn talks about NYC’s school closure plans and the grants it has to work with. (Education Next)
  • New House Speaker John Boehner cares about education, but his members don’t agree on much. (Time)
  • NY social studies teachers are worried about what the end of the state’s test means for them. (HuffPo)
  • Chicago’s teachers’ union wants a “community panel” to choose the next schools leaders. (Catalyst)
  • Will Diane Ravitch’s NYRB review of “Waiting for Superman” hurt the movie’s Oscar chances? (WaPo)
  • The NEA is waiting to see what kind of Republicans will get leadership spots. (EdWeek)