Rise & Shine: Thompson calls a teacher pay raise unaffordable

  • Arne Duncan will call for an end to “mediocre” ed schools at Teachers College today. (Washington Post)
  • Bill Thompson says the city can’t afford the 4 percent raise it has budgeted for teachers. (Daily News)
  • Bloomberg’s campaign is ignoring Giuliani’s school role when Thompson headed the BOE. (WNYC)
  • Bloomberg announced Parent 311 yesterday even thought the project has been up for months. (NY1)
  • Tom Carroll: Paterson wants budget cuts but hasn’t helped the state get Race to the Top funds. (Post
  • Staten Island families are protesting a decision to deny them school bus service. (Staten Island Advance)
  • The Riverdale Press profiles Edward Tom, a Riverdale resident who heads a South Bronx school.
  • Children of Hispanic immigrants are behind way before starting school, a new study finds. (Times)
  • Contemporary parents don’t like to hit their kids but sure do scream at them. (Times)
  • Baltimore teachers say Andres Alonso’s policies have distracted them from instruction. (Baltimore Sun)
  • Toronto schools are launching a Parent Academy based on Rudy Crew’s model. (Globe and Mail)