Remainders: Teacher Olympics would test classroom acrobatics

  • An educator proposes seven events, testing stamina and endurance, for a Teacher Olympics. (Miss Eyre)
  • A city teacher laments the inflexibility of retention rules based on student test scores. (Jose Vilson)
  • Considering the 1966 Coleman Report, a teacher wonders if reform hasn’t backfired. (Gary Rubinstein)
  • Rick Hess shares four insights about policymaking with the teachers who are affected by it. (Straight Up)
  • The mother of a Stuyvesant student outlines her hopes and fears for the new principal. (Insideschools)
  • A defense of Nick, Jr. becomes a call for a knowledge bowl between 4-year-olds. (Starting an Ed School)
  • Students for Education Reform has updated its website to reflect its national and local donors. (SFER)
  • Georgia’s defense of its teacher evaluation plans hasn’t satisfied the U.S. DOE’s concerns. (Politics K-12)