Remainders: Cell phone storage market still thriving under ban

  • The market for cell phone storage continues to thrive under the city’s school phone ban. (Mashable)
  • Tottenville High School’s softball coach won’t let players talk to the press, against city policy. (Post)
  • A teacher sends himself back to the ATR pool rather than face “turnaround” hiring. (Chaz’s School Daze)
  • The nonprofit behind the Common Core helped Michelle Rhee launch StudentsFirst. (Teacher Beat)
  • Heroic pilot Sully Sullenberg cites Rhee as an American hero. (North Jersey Record via NYC Educator)
  • Mitt Romney and President Obama seem to have similar positions on whether class size matters. (TPM)
  • A parent whose high-scoring child lost out in a high school lottery receives advice. (Insideschools)
  • A Texas judge sent an honor student who works two jobs to jail for sleeping through school. (KHOU)
  • Says a teacher: “The time is now to consider all the things that happened since September.” (Jose Vilson)
  • John Chubb, the interim head of Education Sector, has left Mitt Romney’s new education team. (Russo)
  • The head of a football team-less school questions the future of high school football. (Practical Theory)
  • Boston’s single K-8 teacher of Spanish as a foreign language talks teacher evaluations. (Hechinger)
  • Just in time for TFA’s summer institute, Gary Rubinstein launches an “Occupy TFA” blog. (Teach for US)
  • A teacher admires the cheerful tenacity of a student whose disability has left her behind. (Mr. Foteah)