Remainders: Questions about the sports-attendance effect

  • Will Van Buren HS’s attendance rate drop with the loss of after-school sports? (Miss Eyre)
  • Ed Sector is releasing a report tomorrow on how NYC teachers use student data. (Quick & the Ed)
  • In a 2008 memo, experts warned the city against relying too much on value-added. (NYC Parents)
  • John Legend’s education: from home school, to drop-out factory, to charter advocate. (Reuters)
  • A charter school principal says charters should not stay out of Race to the Top. (Harlem Link)
  • Rick Hess: next year’s Congress may not be as charter school-friendly as some expect. (EdWeek)
  • The teachers union warns teachers against protesting a school’s closure. (Education Notes)
  • After fighting to get into competitive high schools, some students are unhappy. (InsideSchools)
  • A guidance counselor says having more counselors will increase the U.S. grad rate. (NY Times)